! Q' X7 \& f/ ]. t( `: I9 S8 N如果你说的是移民,别的国家和别的项目我不知道,但是加拿大这边留学移民和雇主担保之间的取舍,主要看你想要短时间内大笔花钱除了买个身份啥都不剩,来了加拿大重新再花时间花钱花精力适应学习了解社会;还是你打算好好规划,通过学习、工作的方式用更低廉的开销,在获得身份的过程中就把适应新生活的流程走完,在拿到身份时已经完全做好了展开新生活的准备。
" w* L6 f- X8 Z" D有人会跟你说,哦,留学难度变大了。那我建议你关注一下最近雇主担保项目当中LMIA刚刚生效的限制,我不太记得上一次说要拒绝受理某种学签申请是什么时候。4 F: ?- A& l: r0 x, i
有人会跟你说,哦,留学开销也不会很小,算完学费生活费也得花个六七十万。那我建议你关注一下动辄百万上下的雇主担保服务费付完之后你是不是还得花钱给自己开工资,以及这种操作方式不管多久之后被查证都可以取消你身份,哪怕你已经入籍的风险。; m/ `5 E; o& R9 C: H
2 J6 I+ @" D( g3 v3 U! G
; {* h4 v4 T0 t5 i- N/ r+ X
. ~5 k6 T' h! z9 @& k
! E b& O0 D( o6 l11月2日公布的LMIA申请限制
' n7 q h' }* N0 Q) Y+ e! A Ministerial instructions9 C% Y0 p( h) X) g- |
As a result of public policy considerations as determined in Ministerial instructions, we may refuse to process your Labour Market Impact Assessment application for:
0 l9 z3 U5 f& ^2 dcertain positions in the accommodation and food services and retail trade sectorslow-wage positions above the current capmost positions in the province of Alberta (unless they are listed as exempt occupations under the Alberta Refuse to Process or if the application is otherwise exempted)in-home caregiver positions where there is a live-in requirementany position if you have had a Labour Market Impact Assessment revoked in the past 2 years
+ X% C) r/ z$ a. \4 I Certain positions in accommodation and food services and retail trade sectors
* R7 ~# m7 |% b3 ]5 x( Z$ ]# M! J0 `) k: S
Positions in Accommodation and Food Services and Retail Trade sectors:
3 D& |8 G1 K/ oin an economic region with an unemployment rate of 6% or higher (as defined by the Program-specific Statistics Canada data used by Service Canada for the purposes of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program)in the Accommodation and food services sector (North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 72) or Retail trades sector (NAICS codes 44 to 45); andclassified under the National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes 6541, 6611, 6622, 6711, 6721, 6731, 6732, 6733, 7611 and 8612
* @' j7 m! S. Y' r1 X: M+ m, ] We will refuse to process your LMIA application when all three conditions apply.. F$ y4 _' K. b1 r ^
, J& y/ w8 B ^. bDue to the serious economic impacts resulting from Covid-19, all economic regions in Canada are now considered to have unemployment rates of at least 6% or above.5 |7 A3 _, a% u) H7 `
Low-wage positions above the current cap
' ?3 f S# ?! @) f0 J
5 L% |% @3 @4 B: r+ U! uLow-wage positions, if you are above the current cap on the proportion of low-wage temporary foreign workers for the same positions at the same work location.
$ c7 U- { c8 I* [6 q9 @8 |$ ^, fMost positions in the province of Alberta
* q( B4 v: A4 s% \- ^+ t8 A, \5 W$ N3 b, r5 h7 x
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all new and pending LMIAs for positions in Alberta must be on the following list of exempt occupations to be eligible for processing. Until further notice, we are refusing to process LMIAs if the position you are looking to fill is not listed, unless they qualify for exemption.
% l. f6 {' ~1 e5 TThe Government of Alberta's Employer Liaison Services helps employers learn about options for hiring Albertans and Canadians first. For more information and assistance, contact Alberta Labour.[1]9 A$ V7 ` c u& Z
2. 想知道留学生到底有多少种方法申请移民,请点击下方链接,参考加拿大移民部官方网站:' ~4 {# `8 f# C% z' V
I am an international student in Canada. How can I apply to become a permanent resident?
, A! c3 o) ~: K6 S5 {% V0 O2 ?2 a4 Lhttps://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=514&top=15: @" c% d F1 \3 H. p
; u8 f9 e! d- S# d9 M$ c ~
看到这里如果对你有帮助,点个赞再走吧!9 e4 {6 T) I) d/ w6 ]
* ^- f+ |- l) v% A更多了解目前的雇主担保处境和留学移民申请,你还可以点击:
8 R3 l- d! F" r: b- e3 p6 t$ x/ r
' S2 j& t& ?( X" L# N9 H在读生小夏:COVID-19后的加国移民:谁会是代罪羔羊?在读生小夏:雇主担保,狼,真的来了在读生小夏:曼省省提名积压成疾?加拿大不能陪读?留学生只有19%能转成移民?造谣脸红么?在读生小夏:移民路上,请放慢你的脚步在读生小夏:小夏说移民-自助免费咨询再见! |