
很烦的猪头险 | 2021-5-17 21:31:18 | 显示全部楼层
两者对应情况不同。果你是中产以上的家庭,那么肯定会认为中国教育不如美国教育,因为面对的学生受体是不同的。8 ^( K. e8 l" [9 V% g, h

4 s  |) X* E) T( U3 F; V6 O说教育必须先说国情,中国教育方面相对于美国最大的国情不同是什么?
6 K- ]: g, S6 J9 t* h5 J9 y; S. v; Z3 \. Z
9 e9 J* A" B% |, `9 O% D# j, j2 |7 p7 c7 q2 a: q) p2 M6 {7 j, x2 m3 f
# D  `& y& v6 _" [* v. ~* F1 l  f4 i" M* a/ h0 X" M2 G
6 j+ s! I: w+ f0 M3 f" p- k; e
8 c4 g; e9 o$ x" U3 ^所以,具体到个人来说,对中美哪种教育制度的喜爱,取决于个人所处的社会地位——如果你是中产以上,肯定美国的方式更适合;如果是中低阶层,中国的教育方式还是会给你更大的机会。而中国之所以坚持后者,就是因为在中国,中低阶层的数量远多于中产以上。
不醉人的酒酶 | 2021-5-17 21:39:40 | 显示全部楼层
全面地,从宏观介绍差异的一篇文章:& ~4 z  c5 r9 z
$ N4 s8 [7 R& ~. C  ^! I
12 Differences Between Chinese Education and American Education0 B& J! R* N5 ~7 Y/ r
Posted on June 1, 2007
" L# d& U- S. x% w, ]7 T  {This analysis is being prepared for a presentation I am going to make at the International Conference on Intercultural Education in Harbin, China on June 22-24.  I would be interested in receiving your observations, comments, questions about the differences between Chinese and American educational practices.
    Class Size is the first noticeable difference at the middle school and high school level.  Teachers typically teach two classes (in an 8 period day) with from 55 to 65 students.  American secondary teachers typically teach five or six classes with class sizes ranging from 25 to 30.  The Chinese teachers use their non-teaching time to grade papers and to prepare for their classes, except for the head teachers (banzhuren) which will be explained later.While Americans think the "cohort" concept is innovative, China has been using it for decades.  Throughout China, students beginning in a school are put into classes and they stay in those classes with one another for the entire time they are in that school unless higher test scores permit them to move to a more advanced grouping. Understood in the Chinese system is that this group of students will learn each of their subjects together.  In America, students are not grouped into such classes. Instead, the 30 students who are together for English class will be randomly split up into any of the other subjects for the next period and the period after that, and so on. The next year, the students are totally mixed up again into different classes. Occasionally, the same class of students will take two courses together, such as English and history, but that is rare.  The Chinese carry the cohort concept into the university level as well.  My four classes of students stay together for all of their required courses the whole time they are at university.Chinese students stay in the same classroom for their main classes and their teachers come to them while American students change rooms every period and the room belongs to the teacher.  Thus, Chinese students don’t have hallway lockers.  Students sit in the same seats for each subject and keep their materials in a shelf under their desk top.  Many students have cloth covers for their desk and other means of making it "homey".Chinese education is built on what Americans call "looping".  The teachers of the students in the entering class will also follow their same students to the next grade level and the next.  In America, it is very unusual for teachers to move with their students from one grade level to the next at the middle school or high school level let alone to loop for the entire period of time the student is in that school.  At the primary school level, students begin in grade one with a teacher and stay with that teacher every year they are in primary school.  My university students reflect on that teacher as being so very important to them that they really didn’t want to leave them when it was time to go to middle school.  American teachers, on the other hand, tend to specialize in the curriculum and content for a particular grade level and then stay at that level.  Sometimes, teachers who want to teach older students will ask to move to a higher grade, but then that teacher would typically stay at that level until retirement.  That practice means that in America, subject matter and teacher preference might be valued more highly than student needs or student learning. Another significant structural difference between American and Chinese schools is the concept of head teacher or "banzhuren". The banzhuren takes additional responsibility in delivering instruction, supervising their specific class of students, and in knowing their students and the families of the students and in communicating with those families.  For less than 200 yuan per month more, the banzhuren will arrive at school prior to 7:00 a.m. to prepare for the day and to work with early arriving students.  The student day at the middle school ends at 4:55 and the teachers leave shortly after that.  The banzhuren will not only teach her specific class that she is in charge of but will also sit in on many other subjects throughout the day so she can monitor the progress of her students with other teachers, counsel her students, and contact the parents of those students if necessary.  The banzhuren will monitor her class during lunch and nap with them after lunch.  One banzhuren told me that she is like a mother to those students who don’t have the parental support they need.  In addition, at Liaoning Normal University Junior Middle School (LNUJMS) thebanzhurens are expected to visit the homes and families of half their students sometime during the first term and the other half during the second term.  These visitations would take place on Saturdays or Sundays or on holidays.  The banzhurenwill, after three years, receive a bonus based on the academic improvement of her class.  In America, the individual teacher is expected to make parent contact when a student misbehaves or is not performing at a satisfactory level.  In American secondary schools there is also a person called a guidance counsellor who will assist with parent contact.  However, the guidance counsellor will have a case load of 350 to 500 students and she often must resort to group counselling sessions. The Chinese believe in merit pay and in using student test scores for teacher evaluation.  For example, when the 9th graders leave middle school they are tested to see which high school they are qualified to attend.  Since the same teachers have had those students for three years, they compare their entry score to their exit score.  The classes that showed the most academic gain resulted in that banzhurenreceiving a bonus that might range from 3000 yuan to 6000 yuan (one month or two months pay).  The same is true at the high school level.  On the other hand, a teacher whose students did not show growth will be evaluated accordingly.  At LNUJMS, the math team won first place in the District math contest.  As a reward, the four math teachers split a 2000 yuan bonus.  The teachers I have talked with like the bonus system.  So for years the Chinese  have been doing what the American conservatives have been advocating and our teacher unions have been fighting.Discipline in Chinese schools easier than in American schools.  For example, at LNUJMS,  I was surprised to find minimal student supervision during lunch and between classes.  One administrator and one teacher were in the hallway and no teachers were in their classrooms.  The other teachers had gone to their offices to meet with students for academic or disciplinary reasons or for a rest between classes.  In America, the time between classes is as short as possible, three, four, or perhaps five, minutes.  Students are expected to move from their classroom, go to their lockers to get materials for their next class, and then move to that class.  The American teachers are expected to be in the hallways during passing periods because that is when fighting and other misbehaviors occur.  It is nearly impossible to even imagine a 10 minute passing period in an American school.Chinese students are very respectful.  When Chinese students recite, they stand; when students hand in a paper, they use both hands as if they were making a presentation of the paper to the teacher; when students refer to their teacher in writing, they often use terminology such as , “Our dear teacher.”  In interviewing thebanzhurens, they commented that is their duty to teach students how to do well in life and how to be a man.  University students, when asked to recall their middle school and high school years often speak of their teachers in very exalted ways telling how much their teachers meant to them.Chinese students play active and important roles (zhirisheng) in sweeping the classrooms, scrubbing the steps, serving meals, being class monitors, and helping teachers. Student monitors can be seen wearing special armbands in the hallway, watching to make certain students are doing their twice-daily eye exercises properly, providing leadership on the marching field, watering plants, empty bins, cleaning windows, helping to distribute the daily lunch, and so on. Students always seemed to be carrying out their tasks very seriously and in good humor. The student monitor system is utilized at the university level as well with these appointed students helping the teacher in making copies, distributing and collecting papers, contacting classmates and so on.  Like the concept of banzhuren, the concept of zhirishengcannot find its English equivalent due to the different Sino-American educational systems. Most Chinese schools are operated on the zhirisheng system for the purpose of maintaining clean classrooms and schools.Chinese students buy their textbooks each year and the textbooks are soft cover and relatively thin.  The textbooks I looked at had a 2006 copyright and I understand that they all have recently undergone revision.  The cost is about $1 for a textbook and $2 for a workbook that accompanies the textbook.  Students make heavy use of highlighters and annotations in their books.  In addition, the textbooks often have moral lessons built into them.  For instance, when a particular scientist is highlighted, aspects of his/her life that are exemplary are extolled, such as hard work, protecting the environment, overcoming obstacles, etc.  On the other hand, American textbooks are hard cover, updated every six years (at least in Indiana), and are rented to students.  Students are not allowed to mark in their textbooks in America.It almost goes without saying that the curriculum in China is standard nation-wide and that students have few elective choices.   National goals, national curriculum, national expectations, national exercises, and even a national class schedule are all built around the Chinese Education Schema that is based on centuries of tradition.  In America, education is primarily the responsibility of the state governments.  Counting Washington D.C., there are 51 separate governments that give direction to public schools.  Further, except for Hawaii, states are divided into school districts that also have certain autonomies. Indiana, for example, has 292 school districts, 292 different teacher contracts, salary schedules, and sets of working conditions.Deeply embedded in the Chinese culture is the examination system.  Since the Song Dynasty (960 AD), the Chinese have relied on the examination process to identify their governmental leaders.  Now the examination system is used to determine which university students are able to attend.  These national exams were given on June 7 and 8.  Local middle schools were used as test sites and those middle school students had a two day holliday. The test is of such great significance that parents rent hotel rooms nearby so their student can have a quiet lunch and take a nap.  I saw one hotel with a big banner wishing students luck on the exam.  Students will take either the liberal arts test or the science test.  For liberal arts students, the first test,  Chinese, was from 9:00-11:30.  Students were dismissed and came back for the math test from 3:00-5:00.  On Friday, the schedule was the same, with the morning session being geography, politics, and history and the afternoon session being English.  The parents filled the street in front of the school and anxiously awaited students coming from the test sites and wanted to know how their child did.  Taxi cabs even offer free service to these students to help them get home or to the testing site.  My friend Kevin’s uncle took time off work to drive Kevin to the test site, pick him up at noon to take him home, then bring him back.  It is huge deal!+ r7 X" V; a7 Y8 G( w9 F, \0 j
    (原文:http://slkchina.wordpress.com/2007/06/01/12-differences-between-chinese-education-and-american-education/)! y6 n- q+ v' ?
123459823 | 2021-5-17 21:42:27 | 显示全部楼层
我认为本质差别不在于是否是“应试教育”,而在于教的内容。6 p1 ]9 i( M9 ^

/ \( L% {0 I; u9 p, L举个很简单的例子。在美国高中历史课上讲到各种社会制度。黑板上列的是资本主义、社会主义和共产主义各自的优缺点。同时会讲到这些政治哲学思想的代表人物,读一些精选段落。上课大家大讨论认为哪种制度更适合美国,怎么说的都有。
' M7 p' A* p% |( ?9 X; N9 R
* M2 A6 ^7 B+ T& z- d+ o' {再说语文课。课是怎么上的呢?我记得我们当年除了讲基础知识以外(各种修辞啦、语法啦、标点啦、诗词格式、押韵之类的),就是读各种名著,然后上课讨论了,偶尔还会分组辩论、演讲之类的。根据读到内容不同,每堂课都有一个主题,比如ego, compassion, pathos, apathy, empathy, epiphany等等。老师除了讲一些基本概念,基本上就是个大讨论主持人/引导者的角色。考试的时候往往试卷上列有几十句有特点的原文对话摘抄,让学生写出是那个角色说的。最后是问答题。基本上是只要你说得有理有据,并且展示你的确读了书,就能拿到大部分的分了- 当然也是有考点的,但不像中国那么绝对。你可以在大题里说,老师上课你说什么什么,我不同意,因为什么什么。这样也不是不能拿到满分的。而且没有一个统一课本、教案,不同学校甚至同学校不同老师讲的内容、考试方式都是不同的。不论如何,美国一个高中上下来,名著名篇读了无数,内容五花八门。什么“少儿不宜”的爱情啦、谋杀了的都不忌讳的哈~ 2 j5 g1 l- D( P' s
- c/ v8 O) H9 l5 M5 `3 J! a; m
! f# ?4 `* v9 U' k7 Q7 X8 D" d美国音乐教育的普及程度是怎样的? - Dida Da 的回答
  \0 o2 n4 Y, Q# t1 D1 N0 K
8 o- {2 `8 V2 d( d; I9 e% P$ c7 ~我觉得中国人文学科的教育比美国差太远了,而这些学科才是引导价值观、人格和创造力的。什么时候这些科目的教育方向从灌输变成了求真、求知,从形式主义发展为走心,才说明中国真正的强大了。
何静悦 | 2021-5-17 21:48:09 | 显示全部楼层
大部分美国人都明白这样一个道理:教育学生不仅仅是老师的事情。2 ~+ |8 e- K8 ^3 n

  F# o9 H0 D  H( O# J3 w' c在中国,人们应该是持有相反的观念。
" e( n; l9 I: R' M! p- k- d1 I# S懂一点教育的人,会知道除开老师,家长也对教育负有很大责任。大约就到这了。9 \' W6 I$ }: p/ m
事实上,教育需要整个社会各方各面的支持。( j- k7 g8 {: C' M3 p" H
$ J7 ^) h  [9 \3 J/ a; y4 t
! h( I' V* j3 l就拿自闭症来说吧。
! U+ A9 t. `+ @大家都知道自闭症,也许有人不知道自闭症是天生且无法治愈的。1 B. c+ J; ?+ Z8 w; T# m
那么如果一个美国儿童患有自闭症,在理想情况下他可以得到来自哪些地方的帮助呢?" _( g  j! V) A5 Z* M1 n$ s" C/ W
1. 通常婴儿六个月左右能通过观察推测是否患有自闭症。为了尽早发现开始介入,社工需要对准父母或者新父母进行培训讲座,普及相关知识。(社区服务,社工)6 _" @+ V0 r5 S; _8 K- l+ j# C
2. 父母怀疑孩子患有自闭症,需要医生的最终诊断和相关机构的评估。要求医生具有准确诊断自闭症的能力,降低误诊率。每个城市或者地区至少有一所能够进行权威评估的机构。(医学支持,医学研究,高质量儿科医生。特殊教育研究。)- R! i+ V" }* ~/ x/ o7 ~
3. 确诊自闭症后,最重要的部分开始了——早期介入(early intervention)。家庭可以向政府申请一对一的特殊教育老师,低收入家庭甚至可以免费。美国的特殊教育老师收入非常可观,用高薪来吸引更多人才投身特教事业。由于公立学校系统依靠政府拨款,所以政府在特殊教育上的投入是非常大方的。自闭症属于比较严重的障碍,直到高中都可以就读免费的特殊学校,由拥有专门学位和资格证书的老师辅导。(财政支持,教师培训,教育资源分配)
4 T. a, B# u# p. C, r9 P3 J4. 成年后的生活。
, U* ^" W3 s2 j. {6 T; C政府为残障人士设立工作岗位使其能自食其力。如果无法保障收入,政府还需要专门进行救济。(能够提供工作岗位的企业,低收入者福利,庇护所)
$ |0 B- Y4 n& [! h" f, i5 F
; z" S, w; {- j一个教育体系从理论设想到初步实践,再到成熟,使大部分人都能享受到优质的教育,是一个极其漫长的过程,并且和经济发展程度密切相关。没有人否认中国经济发展的潜力,所以我对中国教育的未来持非常乐观的态度。因为我知道很多同行都抱着一颗赤诚之心,为了给孩子们更好的教育,在自己的岗位上默默努力。希望在未来,能有更多的人意识到自己对教育下一代负有责任,成为一线教师坚实的后盾。
; F% {2 E& Q# I孔子说,朽木不可雕也。可是我们无法选择天生是一块好木头还是坏木头。让坏木头享有平等的甚至更好的教育资源,是我能想到最高级的人道主义关怀。
劉振南 | 2021-5-17 21:56:23 | 显示全部楼层
先看两个栗子4 `2 R# U9 u0 \8 N8 q, w
( W, I4 }0 I  ~$ y6 S 为什么有很多人说中国教育不好?美式教育和中式教育差别到底在什么地方?教育好坏的评判标准是什么?-1.jpg 这是知乎数学区的问题6 j! K+ M  I/ r% i: U
为什么有很多人说中国教育不好?美式教育和中式教育差别到底在什么地方?教育好坏的评判标准是什么?-2.jpg ) Q# N1 |4 A$ u! L3 T( S' f) K
. c" p) v& A9 e  j, g0 V; i! o+ Q
1 {; y# j" [$ M" q: [8 F可既然我国民众的数学水平是高于美国的,为什么我国对于数学贡献缺并没有美国高呢?1 |$ H4 X1 `8 x' I6 v
! K- }9 A8 z& }$ r6 C中:* s) e* W" ?  S" Z% Z
2 r% G( r5 b) m. D) d) j! ?2 I7 k0 n美:6 `; F$ s: C! B0 I1 ^; ^
均值低,方差大。这意味着,美国人民的数学水平下限会很低,但上限高。) N9 _8 V5 b( E9 b; f8 q& x5 a
6 ?0 x) z8 H& G8 t$ }而西方发达国家和我们不同,西方发达国家已经完成了资本的积累,西方的侧重点不再是快速增长,而是开辟新的增长点,而开辟新的增长点就需要去研究基础学科,就要多去研究基础学科,所以美国的数学,物理,化学,等学科非常强势。因为发达国家不再侧重追求投资到回报的速度,而是要去寻求突破和颠覆性的创新,而只有多投钱到基础学科才能达到目的。
9 l2 j9 M5 D1 W$ p. f' m这就是为什么我们经常劝退生化环材这些学科,因为我们国家目前的阶段并不侧重追求基础学科的研究,这是由于经济水平决定的。
+ O! Z9 E( g% R7 y$ T经常可以看到有人抨击中国的教育制度,但往往大多数都没有批评到点子上,但实际上,这部分人的问题很明显,他们只站在个人层面看待问题,所以只能得出应试教育毁灭创造力这种结论,但是事实上,适度的应试教育并不会影响创造力。历史上任何一个伟大的科学家都或多或少接受到过应试教育。, _" ^2 L) P, A  @
" G. E) l8 p( S* V% G' T: `! R3 m但这并不意味着我们当前不需要发展基础科学,只是我国当前的侧重点不在研发,我们国家顶尖的大学一样在做着基础学科的研究,只不过占比较少而已。
. q+ I" E* U: u" V& v8 H7 P教育模式区别的本质是经济水平高低的区别,试图从脱离经济从某个单点分析教育模式往往无法得出正确的结论。
Doris247 | 2021-5-17 21:59:56 | 显示全部楼层
我从教学环节来分析中美大学教育的差别。' m  s3 |8 Q+ H: y1 a
一.入学与选课环节1 c  Q- u, N% D8 Z- n7 a! K9 h: J+ a
美国在选择专业、转专业、选择课程上较自由,而国内由于教育资源总体不足,转专业限制很大,在选课上已实行学分制的学校最多也只有30%的课程能自选,有的高校连选修都做不到。这样造成了中美学生在学习积极性和主动性方面的差距。" J, k; g$ b+ S# J

7 W! p% L7 ~( q. f6 e/ A9 ^二.日常教学环节) g( W: c; ?0 y7 T6 |
* a2 g+ o) i1 k" V* H  l; v  z  c这个环节的教学意义是向学生传递知识。这个环节从教学效果上来说中美之间差距不大,但是在中国却占用了一个学校80%的教师资源。. R  x, X$ c8 H8 G  N! _) N* t/ ?
7 Y# N% }2 o1 \$ ?! M& C
1 P/ _9 Y+ T; @: I" x讨论课的意义是促进知识构建、培养学生思考能力、批判性思维等等。据留美学生说讨论课是美国教育较之中国教育的最大优点。在国内高校鲜有讨论课。
& k" R% u. x3 l8 n/ O4 o7 Y4 _$ S$ R& e
3.作业环节4 J) W- i2 v, ]: _; J5 A
作业的意义是促进知识构建、培养学生独立思考能力、自学能力等,团队作业还能培养团队合作能力。作业在美国大学教育中是很重要的环节,教师认真地设计和评阅,学生也认真地完成。在国内,教师对作业重视很不够,学生也好像很不喜欢做作业,作业抄袭现象严重,团队作业更是闻所未闻。/ Z1 C; D' Y- w
/ J" M5 n+ {( U3 z, Q  B
4.实践、实训环节' y# E. H/ f+ n$ Z- _+ w+ K7 P
3 T' Q/ a2 ?, E3 k* G* A. Y$ A% S* [% J4 w9 a% O8 W+ z2 ^* D
. _, ~9 |$ ?6 B* D2 @" z* n1 {美国读大学宽进严出,中国是严进宽出,严进宽出的结果是劣币驱逐良币。. \' P5 x2 E0 ]$ b4 x; M
* \# v* r7 ]# N$ Y9 O4 r, `
. K' Y! g2 F! v' L' d  T* |9 G' [  F
  L0 D5 T4 q( ]" N9 q2 z9 s( b5 e+ V
8 Z7 H8 @  T$ S  {( X5 U不过现状是会改变的,我相信几年后教育也像其他行业一样因互联网而改变。
1 i$ A9 `2 F& V8 O# \
. j+ d2 [3 z0 W6 R以上分析不恰当之处请大家在评论里指正。
光明之泪 | 2021-5-17 22:02:08 | 显示全部楼层
4 i4 o! H4 _' T  J2 r中国大学上一门课,往往只有一本教科书。美国大学上一门课,老师会给你开一个reading list,两到四本教科书,以及补充几十篇论文。所以国内毕业生往往比较自大,认为自己学过一门课,就掌握了该门课的全部知识,其实也就是那本指定教课书的知识。
7 n" h  g/ K; B, t1 p) r但是中国的老师比较尽责,会把要考的范围都讲一遍。美国老师上课挑几个点讲。上课讲的,书单里没有。期末考的,书单里没有,上课也不讲。读的,听的,考的,可以完全是三回事。你可能非常生气,但是,毕业出来,寻找解决方案的能力很强。虽然这种能力,中国的HR完全不在乎。
六月寄语眉 | 2021-5-17 22:05:39 | 显示全部楼层
我其实挺赞同高票回答里面说的,但是为了balance ,我有必要唱唱反调:
  d* A+ q/ {# m- c9 B5 T
- @3 {' X5 A7 w) z中国教育没什么不好的:我所接触过的近2000名留学生中,在国外成绩好的全部在国内成绩都挺好;在国内成绩好而在国外不好的有一部分。但是绝对没有一个是在国内混不下去了,反而跑到国外就有出息了!!!
3 T/ u5 D( ~* P' Q* v5 f & X  L" q! N. B" ]
所有的黑中介都在旗帜鲜明的说中国教育不好,然后刻意美化美式教育的优点和放大中式教育缺点!!% v6 _5 G  r- m7 @5 A

0 T3 G& _+ z  L& c2 ?" m
1 K! @' Q/ {- v3 |( i3 h
3 F; S5 T* g- K# F: U# X4 J. t我的相关回答  为什么中国有这么多黑留学中介?  http://www.zhihu.com/question/20385824/answer/149743325 h) P8 u8 L2 R' z9 `5 h9 X, F
  x4 x: s5 `+ I& a2 b
; K3 ^* j6 K, D2 s
歌助农落按 | 2021-5-17 22:09:18 | 显示全部楼层
我觉觉淂真正的差别在于对待人这个概念的理解上.西方的教育是其于相信人个体的无限潜力,教育只要bring out 你的潜力.再加于引导,培养你学习旳兴趣,你发现了什么是你最感兴趣的,他们就会因材施教,让你不断接受这方面的知识,你有内在的动力,自然不断地去探索,乐此不疲。Harlan喜欢文学,已经课外把娜尼亚看完了,他就喜欢用新看到的笑话讲给我们听,我们总是赞扬他比上次好,这里开始很重要的-点啊! 正反馈。不管你孩子表达得多么不好,你要鼓励他讲得比上次好多了。而不是相反的国内的思维,你讲得还不够好,下次要注意哪些点。孩子以后就不讲了。Anthony对天体物理非常着迷,我会给他看很多这类的片子,而且他觉得自己的教材太浅了,经常拿哥哥的科学课程来看。对此,我们总请教他行星方面的知识,他会讲个没完,他才六岁。能够做到这样,首先是国际学校的公课不重,老师经常鼓历你到图书馆借书,并要讲读书笔记。更一个重要的原因是美国小学教育的目的是要你有张健的体格,过人的反应,这就是为什么每个学校都有自己引以为傲的各种球队,,体育精神和faire play 无处不再. 另外学校不是学知识的地方.是煅炼思维能力.甚至辩证思维的地方.学校也不是什么权威.可以要学生完主服从他.如果你有足够的理由你足可以挑战他.学知识只足训练我们思维的方法..分数不是重要的.重要的是你有独到的见解.事实上他们没有标准考试.是开放性的问题讨论.-年级就开始读题的驯练.先读好题才能正确解答..好的解答甚至加分很历害并提出来让班里同学也受思维启发.美国教育的精神就是不断挑战权威.用兴趣来创新__所以他们有各种对世界产生深远影向的人.永远不要低估正反馈的教育甚f至是夫妻生活上的作用冫他可以建立孩子的自信.感受到父母的爱.从而原意去进取.夫娶的生活如果用正及馈.每天都会其乐融融的.另外学习不是学校的事.家长要积极参与.但不是改作业或请家教.那样会消灭孩子的动力.甚至更差的效果是感觉父母都不关心我.不去听我内心最需要的、和我交流   
' c2 j' Q+ G  e( m( a; `  Z
/ t1 ?2 T2 P8 o& H# y9 T. n" z说到这里要搬出我的专业和教育两个儿子的实咧.我专业是妇幼保健.很多人关心对儿童教育要从什么时候廾始. 应该是围产期.这时候是大人有宽松的心境.听古典音乐.这是可以帮助孩子建立乐感的.我的两儿子现在钢琴都不错.他也可以对思维能力有帮助.六个月甚至更早妈好就可以和孩子沟通了.告诉他你有多爱他.儿童心理学说越早的教育越重要.而不是我妈认为的小孩孑不懂事可以先好好疼爱__她是spoil 他们.而且不改.所以我一年只让我妈妈见他们4个星期因为由她培养的小孩庆会象国内大多数我=看到的小孩.总想自己能得到什么.大声哭闹就可以得列自己想要的___这是自私和蛮横.相反Harlan 还在吃奶的时候.要脾气.不吃.我就轻打了他一下屁股.告诉他这是不对的.他当然是大声哭闹____事实上这是三个月大孩子很好的有氧运动.不要心疼_____他哭得太吵了.我就和太太跑到地下室打兵球.半个小时上来.他哭累了.睡着了.醒来再把奶给他.乘乖吃了.不过任何时候正反馈都是最美的循环.知道国外婴儿油卖那么多是为什么吗.原来初生婴儿对抚摸很敏感.要用婴儿油经常抚摸他使他气血充浠.并对你有很強的bond 爱就这样传递着.每夜我都会用巴赫的音乐作背景音乐.抚摸着他们.跳圆舞曲.直到他们睡着.事实上中国人也知道三岁看六十.但是早教并没有广泛传播.我看到的溺爱的例子太多了.结果是害了小孩. 而美国人大都有这些知识和实践.为什么.他们的爸爸妈妈当年就是这样教的,教会的牧师也是这样教导他们的。.如果坚持这样到了六岁.这孩子就己经成形了.只是如果这时要进入以考试为目标.禁固自由思维的落后的中国学校系统中,怎样保持这些成果.我沒这方面经验.如果有家长有清不啬分享.很多人会感谢你.但我觉得我们的教育可要进行连根拨起的寸改革._____突然发现原来的好老师不是真的好.他只是赶鸭子上架.扼杀他们自由.想他老个好分数___这样对比起来我知道谁是本未倒置了。   7 P, l3 F3 T7 Z) o* Q. W
4 Y" \* B! x. W% X& n% w# I
内蒙草原独狼堤 | 2021-5-17 22:14:35 | 显示全部楼层
" E9 _0 ~: m7 v去看看针对教育制度所谓的批评,绝大部分不过是以下几种类型:不知所云的拾人牙慧无脑跟风式复读机式的牢骚、谩骂;严重脱离现实的胡说八道;未能满足一己私利的胡搅蛮缠;无脑跪舔被大V歪曲的国外教育实际情况……真正有洞见的几乎没有,连客观一些的都很少见。
) o8 G' d$ o9 X% q% |& _大部分说中国教育不好跪舔美国教育的都是成绩不好又不想努力的人,以为生美国就可以轻轻松松上名校了,殊不知只能混过公立高中后读一些社区大学,学费比中国贵多了。
1 I% ]. M* Q4 c5 w* j6 d2 C尤其是高等教育,对于占人口大多数的普通人来、穷人来说,中国比美国厚道不少。- |+ {& v' a5 B; N- Z
3 S" h8 J# N4 L高考虽然存在各种弊病,但目前来说依然是最接近公平无法取代的选拔方式,对广大老百姓是一种隐形福利。
: o& P: i1 H) T0 E* l教育改革也一直没有停止探索,各种专项计划对农村孩子帮助很大,素质教育在北上广深很多中学也在开展,但注定只能是非主流,高考指挥棒和应试教育依然必须是主流,毛坦厂和衡中才是普通人家孩子的福地。  ~' q! N* q* I4 |  F5 W2 Q2 b1 R
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