数字货币是一个初级的市场,暂时是没有监管的。而对于股市来讲,这个市场可以被称为一种职业。而职业自然就需要有假日。最关键的还是股市在周末流动性很低,所以被称为after hour trading risk。股市不是用来炒作的,所以不必每天24小时交易。如果有重大消息,4x5的交易时间足够消化了。! k) R% b# o& F; {( u1 {# e
/ K+ V7 j) s9 E6 k+ g# {" PWhile a lot of trading is executed by computers, a substantial amount is still done at the behest of humans. Brokers managing accounts, Portfolio Managers, and Managers of Mutual Funds doing stock picks etc. Those folks are still initiating a very large number of the trades (or at least one side of a trade). And those humans don't work 7 days a week.
5 |$ }/ g) k k1 s5 ]) `# Kit's not just computers talking to computers at the behest of other computers. And even a lot of places that use computers to create models and such, there are still humans in the loop to ensure that the computers are not ordering something stupid to be done.
- {/ h8 e1 q1 z, R$ CI personally worked for a firm that managed nearly $20Billion in stock portfolios. The portfolios were designed to track indexes, or a mix of indexes and actively managed funds, but with the addition of managing for tax efficiency. A lot of complex math and complicated 'solver' programs that figured out each day what if anything to trade in each portfolio. Despite all those computers, humans still reviewed all the trades to be sure they made sense. And those humans only worked 5 days a week.8 _* |5 R$ y: J
# u* h0 D3 Y, ]- j$ }Trading outside of the exchanges’ operational hours isn’t without its problems. Because a smaller amount of stock is being traded, prices are more influenced by single sales, and they're more volatile. It also makes it harder to match sellers’ asking price to buyers’ bids, making it difficult to complete transactions. Prices quoted during after-hours sessions aren’t “official” and don’t reflect the price for the stock upon opening. Because the system favors limit orders -- orders in which you set your maximum bid, and let the computers match you to a seller -- it can be difficult to find the best price during after-hours trades.
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外汇市场是5x24小时的,我们也是会有周末的。基本上节假日是不会看交易的。因为海外奉行的是life balance,大家赚钱和休息必须是相结合的。 |